Book Mogok, the land of Rubies and Sapphires - 4 days

Welcome to Burma Travel! We're thrilled you're considering our Mogok, the land of Rubies and Sapphires - 4 days.

Length: 4 days
Price from: $0 USD/person - price for group of 6 people or more
Destination: Mandalay

To customize this tour to your group, please provide details on your ideal travel dates, number of travelers, hotel preferences (we offer 3-5 star accommodation/Top Luxury), any dietary restrictions/preferences, and special interests or places you'd like to visit.

Be sure to include your group leader's contact information so we can follow up with a detailed custom itinerary and quote adjusted to your group's size, pacing, and interests.

We're excited to craft the perfect Mogok, the land of Rubies and Sapphires - 4 days for you! Please submit the form below with your tour request and preferences. Our team will be in touch shortly to start planning your dream Southeast Asia tour.

Fields marked with (*) are mandatory

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